Transform Your Space With Electrical Smart Home Devices

As technology advances, our homes are becoming smarter than ever. When our Orlando licensed electrician installs a smart home system for you, you’ll unlock a world of conveniences and possibilities.

Smartphones, smart TVs, and now smart home devices are making our lives simpler with the push of a button. If you’ve heard of smart home devices but you’re not sure what they are, what they can do for you, or how to have one installed, you’ve come to the right place! We love technology, and we’d be happy to send an Orlando licensed electrician to your home to make it smarter and make your life easier.

Smart home devices have the potential to transform your living space with automation, connectivity, and enhanced control over various aspects of your home. Here’s how these devices can bring about a transformation.

Added Convenience

Remember having to get up and walk to the television to change the channel? Technology gave us the remote control, changing how we watch TV forever. Today’s smart home devices are like a remote control for your entire home, letting us control lighting, thermostat settings, and even kitchen appliances with voice commands or through a smartphone app. This convenience can streamline your routines and save time.

Energy Efficiency

When you leave for work, do you always remember to turn the AC up to 75 or the heater down to 68? Probably not, but with a smart home thermostat, you can program your temperature to change on a set schedule, saving you energy. You can also schedule your thermostat to get a jump start on cooling down your home before you come through the door on a hot summer day.

Increased Security

Smart home security systems offer features like remote surveillance, motion detection, and doorbell cameras. These devices enhance your home’s security by providing real-time monitoring and alerts, allowing you to respond to threats whether you’re at the office or away on vacation.

Appliance AutomationOrlando licensed electrician

Our appliances are getting smarter, too. Refrigerators, ovens, and washing machines can optimize tasks and enhance efficiency. They offer features such as remote control, automated cooking, and notifications for maintenance. By the way, your fridge says you’re out of milk.

Remote Access and Monitoring

Smart devices allow you to check on your home from any location through your smartphone app. You can check security cameras, adjust thermostats, and receive alerts, offering peace of mind and flexibility.

Smart Home Device Options

Several companies offer smart home systems. When you meet with an Orlando licensed electrician, we can discuss which system will work best for your home and your needs. 

Google Nest

Nest Thermostat can learn your preferences and auto-adjust your thermostat.

Nest Protect is a combination smoke and CO2 alarm.

Smart Doorbell lets you see your front door and can alert you to guests.

Nest x Yale Lock is a tamper-resistant deadbolt lock you can control remotely.

Amazon Alexa

Alexa-enabled devices can turn lights on and off, dim lights, and create lighting schedules.

Freeze Sensor uses your Ring alarm system and Alexa to alert you to low temperatures.

Smart Faucets use voice commands to make filling pots and pans simple while conserving water.

Samsung SmartThings

Control your Matter devices to create routines that simplify your life. Turn on lights and music to wake up or turn them off to wind down.

Turn on devices like your washing machine or robot vacuum. Adjust your thermostat and more.

Get Smart With Doc Watts Electric

The possibilities are endless when you have our Orlando licensed electrician install your smart home system. If you need to update your home’s wiring to support smart devices, we can do that! Smart home devices can enhance the functionality, comfort, and efficiency of your living space. From daily conveniences to safety, entertainment, and sustainability, they make your home a more connected and responsive environment. 

Contact us today to discuss the right smart home device solution for you or if we can help you with any of your home’s electrical needs. And remember – always Call The Doc When You Have NO Watts!