3 Benefits A Generator Brings To Your Home

Choosing Doc Watts for your Orlando generator installation means choosing a reliable and trustworthy partner to protect your home from unexpected power outages

The thought of being without electricity in the Florida heat is downright terrifying, so let’s work together to ensure you don’t have to worry about that! Investing in an Orlando generator installation is a great way to prepare for unexpected power outages. Home generators provide a dependable solution to ensure an uninterrupted power supply in your residence. Continue reading for three reasons why investing in a home generator can benefit you and your home.

Benefit 1: Uninterrupted Power Supply

Home generators are a reliable backup for unexpected power issues like severe weather or utility maintenance. These power disruptions can interrupt your day-to-day activities and even compromise your residential systems that rely on electricity. 

Generators guarantee that appliances like refrigerators, heating or cooling systems, and lights can survive any unexpected power outage. The convenience that generators bring extends beyond their ability to keep power flowing. With continued power in emergencies comes a sense of safety. 

Benefit 2: Protection of Home Appliances

Power surges often come with power outages that can wreak havoc on your household appliances and electronic devices. If your power has been off for a substantial amount of time, you risk creating voltage spikes when your energy is restored. These spikes can overwhelm electronics and some small appliances, causing irreparable electrical damage. An Orlando generator installation can protect your home from these power surges. Because generators supply a consistent and regulated flow of electricity, the risk of power surges is lessened significantly, protecting your appliances, HVAC systems, and other critical equipment from the harmful effects of power surges.

Benefit 3: Increased Home Value

Orlando generator installation

In relation to real estate, a generator can be an added asset that enhances the resale value of a home. Potential buyers are drawn to properties that offer reliability and the ability to maintain essential functions even during power outages. A home generator can sway their decision in favor of a property that offers a comprehensive backup power solution, ultimately benefiting both the seller and the buyer.

Choosing the Right Generator

When selecting your home generator, several factors come into play. One of the crucial decisions is choosing the right fuel option for your generator, and the choice often hinges on your location. Homes connected to the city grid frequently opt for natural gas, while those away from gas service networks often turn to propane due to its cost-effectiveness. Both options have gained popularity for being non-toxic, affordable, readily available, and having no expiration. When you’re looking to hire for an Orlando generator installation, it’s essential to work with an expert. 

A licensed technician can ensure you choose the proper generator size for your home. Choosing the wrong size generator poses risks such as an overloaded generator, damaged appliances and systems, and in severe cases, a house fire. Our technicians will evaluate your home’s requirements, recommend an appropriate generator, and safely connect it to your chosen fuel source per local regulations. In the event of service or repair, we can also identify warning signs that could lead to more significant problems. 

Choose Doc Watts For Your Orlando Generator Installation

When you’re ready to buy a home generator, choosing a qualified electrical contractor that employs a team of licensed electricians and prioritizes safety above all else is important. At Doc Watts, we continually provide reliable and professional generation installations to protect your home against unwarranted power outages. Call The Doc When You Want Your Own Watts!